The Lions Clubs NZ Speechmaker Contest is Currently under Review. Please Register Your Interest if you Would Like to be Kept Up To Date
Howick Lions Club offers youth 17-21 years of age the opportunity to participate in a national annual public speaking competition organised by Lions Clubs New Zealand.
Youth must have attained seventeen years of age and not be over 21 years at 1 December.
The winner of the 2018 contest received sponsored air travel to North America where they spent four-six weeks with members of the Lions Family in December-January. The second prize was a three-week trip to Australia. The third prize was a placement at the highly regarded Lions International Youth Camp at Lake Okataina during Christmas/New Year holiday.
Entry is free and open to the public through their local Lions Club. If you live in the Howick, East Tamaki, Botany Downs, Flat Bush area,
and are interested in registering for the contest, then please
contact Howick Lions Club by completing our 'Register Your Interest'
form and we will send you all the details and the application forms when
they become available.
Youth will be required to deliver a prepared speech of not less than five minutes nor more than six minutes. The topic is at the discretion of the contestant. Penalty points apply for under and over time. An additional impromptu speech of not more than two minutes on a topic determined by the judges will also be delivered by each contestant. Penalty points apply for over time.
Details for the Young Speechmakers Contest
District Finals are usually held throughout New Zealand on a weekend late May - end June to determine the winners per district. These winners will travel to the National Finals. All travel to the Finals is at the expense of New Zealand Lions Clubs. The National Finalist will be required to deliver the two speeches as aforementioned.
How to Enter the Young Speechmakers Contest
If you live in the Howick, East Tamaki, Botany Downs, Flat Bush area, and are interested in registering for the contest, then please contact Howick Lions Club by completing our 'Register Your Interest' form and we will send you all the details and the application forms when they become available.

2017 Speechmakers Winners
Winner: Lauren Carr - Sponsored by Dannevirke Host Lions Club. Runner-Up: Matthew Jayasuria - Sponsored by East Hamilton Lions Club. 2nd Runner-Up: Raphael Franks - Sponsored by Christchurch City Breakfast Lions Club and Oscar McGuire - Sponsored by Port Chalmer Lions Club
2016 Speechmakers Winners
From left to right: 2nd Runner-Up: Anja Dunlop (sponsored by Lions Club of Havelock). Runner-Up: Abby May (sponsored by Lions Club of Havelock North Village). Winner : Sean Millward (sponsored by Tokoroa Districts Lions Club).
2015 Speechmakers Winner
Olivia Burrell, the National Speechmakers Winner in 2015