This week was a very busy one for Howick Lions Club. On Sunday, a group of Lions were down at Howick Historical Village bright and early to finish painting Sgt Barry's Cottage. This is part of an ongoing programme of service by our Club to help repaint the buildings at our iconic 'living museum'. We began painting Sgt Barry's Cottage back in June, so it was great to finally complete the job, and although we say it ourselves, the old girl looked pretty resplendent in the early spring sunshine!
At our monthly dinner meeting on Wednesday we played host to 2nd Vice District Governor Judy Allison. It was a genuine pleasure to have Judy attend our meeting and to make two special presentations.
The first was to present Lion Dave Downie with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award, the highest level of Award bestowed by a Lions Club on a member. A quiet 'doer', Dave's actions speak louder than words. Dave joined Howick Lions Club in 1994 and the Award was given in recognition of the hard work and dedication Dave has shown to the Club over many years.
The second presentation was to Lion Neil Hornblow to recognise his acheivement in bringing two new members into our club.
All in all - a great start to spring!